October 2017 Favorites

October 2017 Favorites

October 2017 Favorites
1. e.l.f. Beautifully Bare Blending Brush, $6 / 2. Drunk Elephant C-Firma Day Serum, $80
3. Pacifica Underarm Deodorant Wipes, $8 / 4. L’Oreal Telescopic Carbon Black, 8

Details on my October 2017 Favorites after the jump. Before that, though, can you believe it is November? The day after Halloween, all the stores around me were in full Christmas-preparedness-swing. It instantly annoyed me…and then I realized I have my holiday shopping all but complete already (only one person left). Hello Pot, I am Kettle. Just kidding – I get my holiday shopping done early so I don’t have to deal with the insanity from here through the end of the year!

Oxidized, but Just in Time

C-Firma has been on this list before but I’ve never had one product make such a big difference for me. Regrettably, my bottle has started to oxidize on me. Fortunately, it is almost empty AND the VIB Sale is in a matter of days – so I’ll be restocking. It sucks that I didn’t finish it before it oxidized on me, but I’m taking it as a lesson that I don’t have to be quite as sparing with it.

Who Knew $6 Could do so Much Good?

I’ve had this inexpensive e.l.f. brush for ages but never really put it through its paces for some reason. I brought it with me on my trip to use with my travel-sized Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder. It is now the only brush I want to use with it for full-face application!

Un-Glam but Convenient

On a not-remotely-glamorous note, let’s talk about deodorant. I primarily use Old Spice Bearglove – yes, it is for gentlemen but this one does not scream, “MASCULINITY!” I recently discovered these wipes from Pacifica, though – and man, they’re nice. They came in handy during my business trip; I’m not a nervous flier, but I am anxious about everything that surrounds flying. Do I have my documentation in quadruplicate? Do I have enough time to get through the TSA? To get from landing terminal to connecting terminal? And to get a bite to eat in between so I don’t suffer from hanger en route? (Thank goodness I was traveling with a like-minded colleague!) These came in handy for refreshing between flights. They smell pleasant but aren’t overpowering enough to make the folks in my row want to punch me. They definitely won’t replace a shower, but would be nice for after a light lunch-hour workout or general non-stop life.

The Mascara I Wear

Spoilers – it’s the same one that’s been my favorite. I never doubted my love of L’Oreal Telescopic Carbon Black, but got a reminder anyway. I ended up using a sample tube of Maybelline Great Lash during my trip. I’ve used Great Lash before. I never cared for it (though their Lots of Lashes wand and formula was OK). My trip reinforced not caring for it. I dislike the formula, I dislike the spoolie wand. It lives in my desk at work for days I forget the good stuff, but man. The first day I used Telescopic Carbon Black after a week of Great Lash had me like, “I remember why I chose you.”