Garnier Micellar Water

Garnier Micellar WaterGarnier Micellar Water

This is a legacy post that has been given a facelift. Content is the same but may have been edited for clarity and readability. Any additional commentary is noted in line.

Micellar Water, where have you been all my life? Oh, right, in France, as Bioderma. But NOW, here, everywhere, inexpensive, accessible, and glorious.

I purchased my bottle of Garnier Micellar Water from Target, unassuming in its pink-capped, clear, oval bottle. I tend to do a good job resisting the hype, but I got anxious when I got home with it. Is it just water? Did I just pay $6 for a bottle of water?!

What’s in a Micelle?

I did more homework. To explain it simply:

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Micellar Water Challenge Conclusion

Micellar Water

It hardly seems like it, but a month has already passed since I took part in a Micellar Water Challenge. At that time, I also issued that same challenge to you readers – eschew your makeup wipes, and try using micellar water for your makeup removal needs as well.

How My Skin Feels

In a word, my skin feels awesome. Since I started removing my makeup with Micellar Water instead of using a makeup wipe, the skin on my cheeks has retained more of its moisture. Combined with my normal exfoliation routine, my skin is doing pretty well – less flaky skin around my nose. Finally, I’ve not needed to use quite as heavy a hand with moisturizers.

Also, no fragrance! Dear skincare companies, please please stop adding perfumes to facial skincare products. Thanks.

Cost Considerations with Micellar Water

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One Month Micellar Water Challenge

Micellar WaterWhen I shared my skincare arsenal overhaul earlier this year, I mentioned that I was considering ditching makeup wipes. I was consistently using micellar water to remove my makeup, but at the end of a long day I was letting myself reach for the convenient option.

Well, I’m finally out of makeup wipes. I’m choosing to prioritize my skin over convenience for one month. Since last Friday (August 19) I have exclusively been using the Garnier Micellar Water I wrote about in April.

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March and April 2016 Haul

Since my no-buy ended, I treated myself to a few things. Okay, I went ham and it ended up being a March and April 2016 Haul. More on everything soon!


One, Milani Luminoso, which I shared on Wednesday.

Value Sets - Sephora Paint it PinkMarch and April 2016 Haul – A mini-haul in itself!

Two, this value set, which I mentioned ordering earlier this month. (More on it next week.) I already rid myself of the box in my spontaneous Spring Cleaning extravaganza.

cinemasecretsThree, in the same order as that value set, a gigantic 32 ounce bottle of the most majestic brush cleanser in the universe.

blackmagicFour, also from that same purchase these reusable microfiber makeup remover cloths. These are Sephora’s in-house knockoff of The Original Makeup Eraser. Haven’t tried it yet.

More after the jump…

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