Invisalign Update: More Refinement

Invisalign Update - More Refinement

I’m a little over thirteen months into my Invisalign treatment. Last week, I wrapped up my seventeenth refinement tray! That’s it, 53 trays and I’m done!

So I thought.

At the conclusion of my round of treatment, I returned to the orthodontist to, I hoped, remove my attachments. When I arrived, my doctor informed me he’d do an exam and re-scan me with the iTero to check my progress. I sure picked a great team – he told me that they’re committed to achieving results we mutually love, so that might mean more further refinement if I’m open to it.

Uh, yeah, I’m open to it.

Granted, in my case it was a flat fee for as much treatment as I need to achieve whatever I want. I highly recommend working with a provider who offers a flat rate structure, particularly if you have a complicated case like mine.

The Exam

We went through my exam, I provided some feedback on a few teeth that I felt could be just a touch better. Then, he noticed a few things that I didn’t. A technician took a new scan and photos (which are hilariously awkward to capture), and we confirmed our observations from the exam.

All in all there are 3-4 teeth that could shift just a wee bit more to produce more favorable results.

I’m over the moon; my teeth already look so good to me even with tiny opportunities for improvement. This team is great.

More Refinement

I go back in about four weeks to collect newly-fabricated trays. As of the moment, I have no idea how many more trays will be required. I imagine it will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 12-15, but I’ll find out when I get them!

For now, I continue to wear refinement tray 17 until that appointment for a total of five weeks in that tray. My provider told me I only had to wear them 12 hours a day during this period, but I will continue to uphold my existing habits so I don’t have to rebuild them in a month.

The Bottom Line

When I’ve read other accounts of treatment, many people seem discouraged at this point. I feel the opposite! I am SO HAPPY to work with a team who really wants to get to the best result we can.

As for my smile, I couldn’t be happier. Even if we couldn’t refine further, it is a night-and-day difference from what it was. I feel so much better about it than I did; and at this point I can’t believe I ever wrestled with the decision to pursue treatment.