Talking About My Teeth

Aiming to correct my teeth

Everyone dwells on their flaws. For every bit of a(n over)confident jerk I am, there were two particular things that bugged me:

I’m blessed with what I humorously self-deprecatingly lovingly refer to as a creatively arranged smile. It’s a crowding thing; common, but nevertheless annoying. I did not see an orthodontist as a kid or teen, so it went untreated.

The Bad News

Frankly, failing to see an ortho in my youth a good thing because I had some dental health issues in the past few years. Those issues may have rendered the investment of time, money, and discomfort not as useful as it ought to have been. A year after I started this blog, I got some bad news from my new dentist – the news that made me realize that I was GLAD I didn’t receive orthodontic treatment as a kid. I needed:

  • A root canal (eek!) and crown
  • Three extractions of broken (weak, crappy) molars
  • and four fillings

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Polished Professional? Switch to Gel Polish!

By 2012, I was well-immersed in my polish obsession. I did my own nail art and was changing colors every 2-3 days for a quite a while. I had all the fun goodies, – art stripers, dotting tools, the whole nine yards. That spring, though, my career picked and I had less free time; by necessity, those pursuits fell by the wayside. My nails were still polished, but art was reserved for special occasions. Even using Seche Vite top coat, I was only getting 4-5 days out of a manicure, tops. I hadn’t the time. That Christmas, my now-husband got me a Sensationail LED-cured gel polish kit. I haven’t looked back.


Switch to Gel Polish!

Does the following statement hit home?

I do not have time in the middle of my average week to do touchups, let alone a full manicure in its entirety.

That’s definitely my reality, and I’m not even a parent! In my case, going to work with obvious, chipped, untidy polish would be akin to going in with unbrushed hair. In that case, it would be better to go in without polish. Personally though, having a tidy manicure makes me feel put-together.

Whether you visit a salon or prefer to do your own manicures (more posts about manicures here, here, and here), properly applied gel polish is a no brainer for busy women. How long does the average manicure take (DIY or salon)? 45 minutes, minimum. Longer depending on the dry time required for the polishes you choose. When your time is at a premium, can you afford that twice or more a week? I can’t.

If you prefer to go polished, like I do, and you could paint your nails once a week or less often, wouldn’t you? Gel polish makes that a reality!

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