May 2016 Throwback Roundup

Definitely missed the boat on April’s throwback posts, but life conspired against me. Get nostalgic with me and check out my May 2016 Throwback Roundup featuring content from the Beauty Skeptic archives for the past few years! Whether you’re a new reader this year or have been on board for a while, here’s a compilation of some throwback posts from the archives. Hopefully you find some helpful info.

How to Dry Makeup Brushes

A tutorial on how to wash and how to dry your makeup brushes without expensive shampoos, tools, or brush-trees.

Ponds Luminous Finish BB+ + Babying Products

I first discovered and professed my love for Ponds Luminous Finish BB+, now sadly discontinued.

As much as I wanted to love ThirstyMud from Glamglow, it just didn’t work out.

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Throwback Roundup – March 2016

Throwback Roundup

I’m trying to make a concerted effort to have a presence in good ol’ Twitter’s Throwback Thursday shenanigans. Not everyone likes or uses Twitter, though (no judgment – it took me a long time to come around and accept it as a tool) – so I figured a good way to maybe revive old content might be to do a monthly roundup. In addition to my Twitter activity, I’ll share a throwback roundup as a proper post on the last posting day of the month.

Get nostalgic with me!

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