Weekend Trip Makeup

Lucky for us, we’re managing to get a weekend away soon. There’s no agenda. We don’t have anyone to go see. No errands to run. We might opt to go out to dinner at a nice place, but currently have no reservations to do so – local Chinese takeout is equally possible. I’m really excited about being able to relax.

Two-thirds of people say they want to try to pack light and then bring a ton of luggage even just for a weekend away. More stuff you have to keep track of, more stuff you have to wash and/or put away when you get back…not worth it. “Ain’t nobody got time for that,” and such. So I decided to make my weekend trip makeup just a slightly modified version of what I might have for everyday.

Weekend Trip Makeup

Whatever. This isn’t about all those things, this is about the beauty stuff that will be stuffed into my weekend trip makeup bag. Check it, in no particular order:

So many wee things – I sing the praises of gifts-with-purchase. My makeup bag isn’t very large and I didn’t want to have it bursting at the seams/zipper, so I reached for a lot of my smaller items. Naked is pretty versatile and will let me be lazy-pretty (Step one: Smear Half-Baked all over your lids. That is all).

You may have noticed I added some markers to those though, allow me to address:

  1. I decided to clean out a long-untouched Sephora sample pot (Urban Decay Naked Skin in 4.5 will never, in any universe, match me) and put the BB+ cream in there. Space in my makeup bag is scarce, and what is in that little sample pot is more than enough for the time we’ll be gone.
  2. I got this as a Sephora GWP ages ago and hadn’t touched it until a couple weeks ago because I’ve been playing musical mascaras for what feels like forever. I was surprised by the brand and have more to say on it. It is in the bag because it is wee.
  3. I usually do blush with a RealTechniques blush brush. It is easy, it feels like (though is neither made from nor tested upon) kittens. But the handle is crazy long. I was considering just applying with fingers but realized that may be risky as not wanting to look like a mischievous makeup-pilfering child does. I had this blush back from when I originally tried bareMinerals and it does alright for blush even though it decidedly does not feel like kittens, even freshly shampooed.

Oh what the heck, why not a shot of the Weekend Trip Makeup open, too?
I’ve had Naked for over a year and I baby the living hell out of it. I assure you it is far more used than this picture appears to imply, but I guess camera flash can make things look better sometimes, too?

Weekend Trip MakeupWeekend Trip Makeup

What do you pack for short trips? Do you have a mostly go-to selection for your weekend trip makeup, or does it depend heavily on the purpose of your trip?

1 thought on “Weekend Trip Makeup”

  1. Such a nice selection! My weekend bag would look very similar – one bullet proof eyeshadow palette, maybe one contour palette (I’m thinking Sleek Face Form), a blush, and definitely a nice selection of 2-3 lipsticks (you never know!).

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