Favorite Hand Lotion: Curel Ultra Healing

Curel Ultra Healing Lotion, $8

Today, I’m sharing my favorite hand lotion – or what helps the skin maintenance of my DIY manicures last – Curel Ultra Healing. With us doing more handwashing than ever (I hope, anyway), we can use all the help we can get.

Hand Lotion Requirements


First, my preference is that lotion – any lotion – be free of fragrance. Fragrance in lotion tends to linger and can become annoying to me after some time. If I choose to wear fragrance, I don’t want my lotion to compete with or compound it. I particularly dislike strong fragrances on my hands – so it is doubly important to not be a thing in my hand products (though some hand soaps get a pass).


Second, the lotion needs to, you know, actually moisturize. If I need to reapply in an hour, that’s a problem. Not only do I not want to spend the time, I do not want to spend the money on a product that I need to use that frequently. The ingredient list reveals to me three different ceramides (which are important for maintaining your skin’s moisture barrier) and a handful of occlusives (which also help moisture leaching)..


Third, it needs to absorb well and not leave some god-awful film or greasiness on my hands. I’m at a computer half the damn day. I use my phone a lot. I don’t want to transfer the product to those surfaces or, hey – any others. My lotion needs to not be dictating the rest of my life choices, damn it. Fortunately, Curel Ultra Healing does absorb within a minute or two so I can go about my business.


Fourth, it can’t cost an arm-and-a-leg.

Fortunately, Curel Ultra Healing meets all of my demands with grace. I can get it at Target, Amazon, Walgreens – whatever. A 20oz bottle costs under $10.

Important Considerations

This product is not:

  • Vegan (contains gelatin)
  • Paraben-free

…so if either of those things bother you, my recommendation is not for you.

The Bottom Line

Accessibility is important to me where making recommendations are concerned; what good to you is my endorsement of a product if you can’t get it. Curel Ultra Healing meets all of my hand lotion criteria and performs well, so I have repurchased and do recommend it if you don’t have qualms with gelatin or parabens.