What I Learned About My Hair

What I Learned About My Hair

Ever learn something and go, “How did it take me so long to figure this out?” Yeah – that’s was me, this past Saturday, in disbelief about what I learned about my hair.

What Isn’t New

My ambition simply does not extend to my hair. If I could just wash-and-wear every day, I would. I don’t have much love for the tedium of blow-drying, not to mention using heat less often makes for healthier hair.

In fact, I do it more often than I should. I’m sure my lazy approach to my hair is my most-common detractor from my professional appearance.

It’s a catch-22 – and that’s why I adopted my simpler haircut. It’s easier for me to coax into being presentable.

What I Learned About My Hair

My main objection to styling is that it is time consuming. And that’s true – it is, but only when you have to do it. I already knew I didn’t have to bother every day.

What I learned, however, was that I can easily go longer between washes when I do something with my hair than when I wash-and-wear. That something can be just blowing it out (nothing remotely fancy, mostly a rough-dry with some smoothing to finish) with mousse. When I do that, I get more mileage out of a wash – enhanced, of course, with dry shampoo. Using the same dry shampoo at the same interval on air-dried hair, however, doesn’t allow me to go as far.

The Bottom Line

Applying what I learned about my hair to my approach to this will make it feel like less of an imposition on my, “free,” time. Applying heat to my hair 2-3x per week should only result in about 2-2.5 combined hours, tops, of active time spent on my hair. In all, that seems like low-ish effort to appear put-together for work.