I received a few sheet masks from a friend a little while ago and decided to get weird and use a couple of them recently.
In short? I don’t care for them. That isn’t to say they are bad – but after two uses of that type of product, I’m just not loving the execution. This is purely a preference thing.
I don’t like how awkward they are to remove from their packaging and unfold. They’re slimy!
Beyond that, they seem a little wasteful to me – after the duration of the mask, you just throw it away. There’s more disposable about it, which I don’t dig. I’d rather have a pot or tube to dispense product from. I can get just what I need, put it where I need it, and not have to throw anything away after each use.
To me, they feel clumsy, as if they’ll fall off your face if you don’t lean your head back. I don’t know about you, but as much as I’d love to just sit there doing not much for 20-30 minutes while I wear one of these trendy sheet masks. I’d rather just smear a hydrating mask on than look like someone’s nightmare while I try to ensure this slimy sheet mask doesn’t slip off my face for nearly a half-hour. I understand why people love them for travel, but I’m not a frequent flier, so they aren’t useful to me in that regard.
Sheet masks, startling nice flight attendants since (at least) 2014.
Brand-wise, they were both Innisfree masks (a South Korean beauty brand), but my commentary isn’t so much dependent on the results or the type of treatment they were. Just like traditional masks, I’m sure they run the gamut of lackluster to mind-blowing. This isn’t commentary on any specific mask or treatment so much as the delivery format. Sheet masks, in general, just aren’t for me.